In everything we do we believe in challenging the status quo, we believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo, is by making security operations functional and productive, whilst saving money and holding service providers accountable. We just happen to be redefining the security industry whilst do so.
At IDME Consulting we offer Independent Security Consulting specializing in Estates in the following areas security operations, security audits, tender adjudications, SOP drafting. Our training is unique, as we offer one on one strategic advisory training, as well as training workshops for Estate Managers and Security Managers. We are further expanding to cover structured guarding training specific to Estates EG: Hospitality Training, Control Room Training.
We have sole distributorship of an operational APP that simplifies operations on a site such as an Estate and allows a transparent and live view of the operational activity as well as maintenance issues on Estates. This APP is fundamental in managing the guarding on a large site.
IDME Consulting is passionate about Estate Security. We conduct audits to assist the HOA, Estate Managers and Security Managers to identify areas of concern, improvement as well as areas of deficiency to ensure that best practice are followed, and service delivery and operations are improved by the duly appointed Security Service Provider.
We further provide Estate Managers with training and insight into security operations to ensure that they understand the security operations to the extent that they are placed in a position to have confidence in their Security Managers ability. Likewise, we offer training to Security Managers to assist them in enhancing and improving the management of security operations on site.
HOA Board Members and Estate Managers often require a sounding board when it comes to security issues. We provide peace of mind, as well as measurables and tools they may utilize to ensure that their security team are on top of things, as well as strategical planning for the future of the Estate through continued future training and re-assessment.
As a Member of the HOA and/or Estate Manager, it is imperative to know that your Security Manager is of the highest caliber. Estate Managers too often assume the Security Manager is managing security well and that everything is running smoothly, it is however often found not to be the case where for example the Security Managers have been in the position for many years, the Estate has grown substantially and the position becomes bigger than their capacity and they have simply not kept up with the times.
At what point would an Estate Manager know if the security is not well managed and if the Security Manager is worth his/her weight in gold? How do you measure that operations are running well, especially if the Estate Manager is not well versed in modern security operations?
From my experience, I will provide some measurements to be used to ensure that operations are taken care of and contingencies are in place. I have found when conducting audits that there are many areas of operational efficiencies that are overlooked, and this normally is only discovered after an incident which could expose the Estate to reputational risk and in worst case scenarios incur personal liability.
Below are a couple of tips that may assist you in a basic assessment of the standard of your Security and Managers:
#Tip1 Request for Proposal
Care should be taken at the outset when drafting the request for proposal document. Security Managers should apply themselves in order to draft a strategic RFP. The exercise of releasing a tender can be a huge negotiation tool in respect of service standards, upgrades, expectations, specialized training, cost savings etc., etc.
#Tip 2 Service Level Agreements
There is a lack of concise and current Service Level Agreements. A well drafted SLA should leave no doubt in the Service Providers mind of what services are expected of them, what the standard of the services to be provided should be and what level of services are required of them.
#Tip 3 Security Post Assessments & Training Plans
Very rarely have I found any sort of metrics on site to constantly assess the security posts on an Estate. This needs to be a function of the on-site Estate security team and not the service provider. Management should pro-actively be re-assessing staff in order to identify training requirements and a training plan should be implemented to ensure employees keep up with what is required of them.
#Tip 4 Transparent Operational Security Management
Communication is key on any Estate. Many a time items relating to security are not communicated through to Estate Managers. I have found the use an online dashboard to manage this very useful, the tool provides true transparency of most if not all issues relating to security, i.e. real time reporting of faulty equipment, real time reporting of incidents, real time logging of actions taken or to be executed, real time inspections carried out, etc. If you do not have such a tool in place, it is a highly recommended that your Security Manager looks into one. In the interim, request daily activity and equipment reports from your Security Managers.
#Tip 5 Root Cause analysis
The day to day running of security operations on an Estate is a very busy and sometime frantic activity, however despite this experience has taught that security is often dragged into many non-security operational issues on Estates. I strongly suggest Estate Managers assess this fully as it creates a grey area where real security issues could be put on the back foot whilst security is being utilized to sort out some or other maintenance issue. A common finding is that some maintenance issues are dealt with by Managers on a crisis management basis rather than by paying attention to the root cause of the “crisis” and putting corrective action into place.
#Tip 6 Processes and Procedures
There is very surprisingly a severe lack of Standard Operating Procedures on Estates. It appears that not all Security Managers have the now how to draft same, leaving them to rely on the SOP’s provided by the Security Service Provider, which is not in the best interests of the Estate.
#Tip 7 Security Meetings & Action Logs
Accountability is key to the security on an Estate, many security meetings are impromptu and passage meetings. These need to be minuted, monthly and an action log needs to be maintained to instill a culture of accountability on the Estate.
HOA Board Members and Estate Managers are not meant to be experts in all areas of operations of an Estates, some areas like security has become very specialized however by ensuring the continued training of the appointed person in this position the Estate will add value to the security of their Estate and reduce liability.
IDME Consulting are passionate about Estate Security and have become an advisory sounding board to numerous Estate Managers with whom we meet on a regular basis to assist inter alia in the strategic planning, operational challenges and metrics of their Security Department. We are here to help.
Michelle Maree
Cell: 084 405 5201